Milton Kindergarten is situated right beside Milton Primary School in Coronation Court. Our location supports easy transition between Kindergarten and School as children reunite with their 'ex Kindy' friends.

We believe it is important to work alongside families/Whanau as we provide high quality education that supports children's passions, interests and establishes a desire for lifelong learning. Our programme includes a balance of structured and free play opportunities, where children socialize and work in small and large groups.

We have a large outdoor environment and a wrap around veranda which allows children to get outside every day and be involved in a variety of games and physical activities.

An area of strength recognized and acknowledged in our recent ERO report was the following: "The teachers' enthusiasm and passion for establishing a relaxed and fun place for children to experience learning as positive and exciting is very evident."

Our Kindergartens Sports Programme

The Sports Programme at Milton Kindergarten is a popular part of our diverse early child curriculum.   When it’s too boggy for us to do it on the school grounds, our Personal Fitness Trainer Paul Skipper, brings it onto the kindergarten grounds instead.  Our varied programme helps with co-ordination, teamwork, building strength and stamina, listening skills, communication and boosts to thinking skills for our tamariki.  Paul comes in twice a week every term and tamariki are always excited to see him; from our youngest two year old to those on the verge of starting school.  Drop by on Tuesday’s and Thursdays from 10.00 to see it in action, and for a chance to look around our stimulating indoor and outdoor environment.

It’s just one part of our 100% qualified teacher lead environment at Milton Kindergarten: celebrating our 30th year as part of the Milton community. 

If spaces are available, we welcome children from age 2 and the best news is our service is 100% free!! We'd love for you to come in for a visit.

Register your interest here!

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Monday to Friday 8.45am - 2.45pm

2025 Term Dates

Friday 3 January to Friday 19 December


Thursday 2 October to Friday 3 October